Running Mistake 1: Your workout is always the same
Research at the University of Tampa points out that steady exercise such as running on a treadmill for 45 minutes at consistent pace does help with weight loss, but only at first. Those on the test drop 1 kg during first week then stop. The reason is that their metabolism adjusts after the first week and now they need to work harder and longer to burn fat.
Another problem of running steadily at average intensity is that calories burned only while you sweat. When your body adapts, benefits will be reduced. Therefore, an intense workout or weight training is considered to be a method that helps reduce fat faster than just running.
Running Mistake 2: You run longer, but not faster
A study about exercise habits of American women concludes that 1 hour of average intensity workout per day helps keep your weight. This is not to lose weight though.
Now what if you exercise at very high intensity, meaning trying your best in many short periods? Research from the University of Western Ontario compares between short time – high intensity with low intensity – long duration exercises. One group performed 4 to 6 times of sprinting 30 seconds and another group performed 30-60 minutes of jogging. The result was surprising, the sprinting team burns double amount of body fat, although the time used is only a small fraction of the jogging team.
Running Mistake 3: You focus too much on calories burned
One of the most common mistakes is the belief that calories burned are from exercise. This is a dangerous misconception. Simply living – sleeping, standing, eating, and thinking also requires a lot of energy. The calories amount you burn when training is often only a small part compared to the calories amount for your body functions and movement.
Running Mistake 4: You do not try other forms of exercise
Now you know that maintaining muscle is very important for weight loss goals, you should choose a particular exercise that helps this. The bad news is that if you love long distance and slow running: the endurance exercise can negatively impact strength and muscle growth, according to a new study. In addition, even if your workout is already at the levels of intense, switching exercise is still a better way to burn fat and keep muscle.
Running Mistake 5: You run too much
Exercise will improve your health, that’s undeniable, but it still puts pressure on your body and your hormones, it also reduces the ability to control your fat. Specifically, cortical hormone released when you exercise. Not all cortical are bad, (contrary to what the TV or supplement ads often say and you can trust this) but constant pressure and cortical increase insulin resistance and make you store more fat. A study in “Hormone Research” newspaper said that long-distance running, like the athletes will increase cortical which leads to slow recovery, affects the muscle, causes swelling, increases fat and can even affect the immune system.
If you take too much stress, whether it is by practicing many hours or not recover with proper nutrition, it can affect the thyroid, metabolism speed and makes weight loss more difficult.
Source by Luna Nguyen