How Will You Handle Stress?: 4 Possibilities
One of the constant, realities of life, is, there is, and will probably be, some degree of stress. Sometimes, it may be minor, and, at other times, seem – to – be, far more serious, etc! There have been many studies, and reviews, of a variety of issues, related to stress, stress – management, and how to proceed, but, rather, this article will attempt to consider, the relationship, between how each of us, handle it, and will briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 4 possibilities, and possible strategies, many people utilize, and, the potential ramifications, and implications, of each of these.
1. Letting it control you: When you become stressed, will you permit it to control you, and your behavior/ actions, or confront it, directly, and, in a focused manner? Far, too often, we take the path of least resistance (or, what we perceive, as being that path), and permit our fears, to dominate our thinking, and cloud – our thoughts! Obviously, although this may be, the way, used most often, it is probably, potentially, the most harmful, to our health, well – being, and personal welfare, etc! The only thing we have to fear, is fear, itself. Although, we have all, read this, often, too few of us, heed its message!
2. Try to overcome it: Some refuse to let stress, control them, and proceed, in an attempt, to use, a stress – focused, action plan. Although, probably a far better approach, than the first one, discussed, this process, often, creates a sort of fixation, on perceived problems, rather than focusing on seeking the best, personal, path forward!
3. Procrastinate/ Deny: Far – more often, individuals resort to procrastination, either, because, they fear, or don’t know, how to proceed, but, rarely, does it do them, any good, because, procrastinating, and denying, never gets quality, meaningful results! Only, proactive analysis, and giving yourself, a thorough, realistic, check – up, from the neck – up, with the intention of transforming obstacles, to challenges, rather than emphasizing problems (actual, and/ or, potential), will we proceed, with the best course of action!
4. Learning, consistently, and effectively, from stress, and/ or, stressful circumstances: The late, Nobel Prize Winner, Dr, Hans Selye, received his prize, for his work in the area of human stress. He broke this, into, two categories: (1) debilitating stress; and, (2) eustress. Selye determined, eustress, or the ability/ willingness, to learn effectively, and become better, from every situation, creates an ability to become better, more prepared, and capable, of handling life’s so – called, lemons, and focusing on the best way, to turn them, into, lemonade!
It’s you life, and your stresses! What one considers, debilitating, and emphasizes his personal fears, and resorts, to procrastination, another will learn from, and see life’s obstacles, as challenges, to overcome, instead of, merely, problems!
Source by Richard Brody