Time Management Tips – Do Others Rule Your Time? One All Too Common Mistake to Avoid at All Cost!
Time management tips are completely pointless. Unless you’re strong enough to set effective time boundaries, you might as well plan on living your life according to others’ priorities. If, however, you’re truly committed to winning back your time, avoid this 1 most common mistake at all cost!
#1 Common Mistake: Count on others’ full cooperation when you set boundaries.
This apparently logical approach is really a pitfall! Think about it… Why do you have to set boundaries in the first place? It is quite simply because others are already doing what they want. Furthermore, your time choices are supporting them, not you. You’re the one who wants to change that, not them! So 100% of the commitment must naturally come from you, if you truly want to take back your time.
The 3 Key Principles to Winning Back Your Life & Your Time
- You have the right to rule your time. – It belongs to you, and it is your wealth. You simply must be an untiring advocate of your power to spend your time on your highest priorities.
- Your strength is your loyalty to your priorities. – For example, if you don’t want to be disturbed during your lunch period, are you willing to let the phone go unanswered? The more you frame your boundary in terms of what you will do differently, (not others) the more successful your boundary will be.
- You pay for your freedom by working with all consequences. – Have you ever tried to control whether others cooperate? It is impossible to achieve! And it should be, too. Your friends, coworkers and family members have just as much right to live by their priorities as you do.
So your success, quite simply, depends on your work. You may reach your goal by proceeding independently. Or you may craft a negotiation that creates common benefits for cooperating. Commit to the work, and no one can stop you.
By aligning your behavior with reality, you free yourself from needless resentment and anxiety. You respect others will act according to their preferences, and you give yourself permission to do the same. You can set boundaries with more ease, because you have already committed to all the work involved. Best of all, the power over your time, your incredibly valuable time, is back in your hands, where it belongs!
So, what is your next step to set boundaries while strengthening your important relationships?
Source by Paula Eder