We always hold on to the saying, “Health is wealth.” Being healthy doesn’t just involve the physical body condition of an individual. It covers all aspects of human conditions in general. We define good health as a complete state of an individual’s well-being which includes physical, mental and social aspects free from several diseases. One of the primary factors that affect human health is right nutrition which basically takes significance to the food that we eat. It is important to have a right balance with our food intake not just to keep a healthy body but as well as a healthy lifestyle.
Dietary fiber is one of the most important food components that helps maintain our body in good condition. One of the most excellent sources of dietary fiber is Chia Seeds which comes from Silvia Hispanica or commonly known as Chia. Chia is a native flowering plant frequently found in Guatemala, Bolivia, Argentina, Australia, Ecuador, Central Mexico and Southern Mexico. It was discovered during the pre-Columbian era from which it was first planted by the Aztecs.
Chia seeds are traditionally eaten in Mexico, United States and in Europe. As a source of healthy food in the modern times, Chia has been commercially grown by several healthy food manufacturers. It has also been recognized as a “Novel Food” due to its health benefits.
Health Benefits of Chia Seeds includes the following:
-Rich with Omega-3 fatty acids-Chia seeds can yield 25% to 30% of extractable oil like A-linolilenic Acid (ALA) which are commonly found on vegetable oils, green leafy vegetables and other healthy vegetables. ALA is usually converted into Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) which are basic elements that helps boost the function of humant body.
-Stimulate digestion-it is rich with fiber that enhances the function of the human digestive system. It also controls the absorption of minerals within the body.
-Reduces blood sugar-Chia Seeds are rich with carbohydrates which is a great benefit for individuals with diabetes. It essentially converts carbohydrates into simple sugar and at the same time helps control blood sugar levels in the human body.
-Excellent relief for constipation-It helps absorb water weight within the body that keeps a good bowel movement.
-Weight-loss control-it is popularly known as an excellent and healthy mean of controlling weight loss. It effectively blocks excess calorie from being absorbed into our system.
-Anti-oxidant-It has components that helps repair damage cells and it also prevents hydration which makes it really good for athletes and other sports enthusiasts.
-High in protein-It contains 115 percent of amino acids which includes Tryptophan, Threonine, Lysine, Threonine, Methionin with Cystine, Isoleucine, Phenylalanin with Tyrosine, Hystidine and Valine. These substances helps aid several health problems, improve energy levels, prevents viral infections, enhances metabolism, promotes growth of all internal organ, reduces fat and stimulates mental and physical attentiveness. It also has inflammatory properties which helps aid arthritis.
-It lowers blood pressure and keeps a healthy heart.
Source by Arthur Martin