It is significant for any ab enthusiast to maintain an ab workout routine that engages the abdomen because it makes the abs more powerful aside from shielding the back and the torso from contracting any injuries.
Below are 8 workout types which can be infused in a daily ab routine, and which can be done consecutively or may be repeated for up to 10 times as desired.
LYING CRUNCHES – Lying down on the ground, the legs should be bent a little and raised up afterwards, and then crossed. With hands beside the head and touching the floor, the body is then brought closer to the knees.
LEG RAISES – Stretch out the legs and raise them a little higher, or to about 12 inches off the ground with hands on the sides and tucked below the back. The back is then lowered down slowly. Repeat the process as desired.
ELBOW TO OPPOSITE KNEE SIT-UP – To start off, the person lies down on his back then brings his hands beside and not beneath his head. The legs are then bent slowly in an attempt to execute a sit-up position. Either of the left or the right elbow, whichever is preferred first, is then brought towards the opposite knee. Do the same with the other elbow and knee in an alternate sequence. Then, straighten up. Repeat the process as desired.
ELBOW TO LEG CRUNCHES – Almost exactly the same as the other crunches, this one lets the person touch the left knee with a right elbow and then returns to the lying position. The process is done alternately.
CROSS-OVER CRUNCHES – Lift either of the two elbows and bring it closer to the counter knee. Do this workout for about 10 to 15 times for each of the elbows and knees.
WINDMILLS – On a standing position and with legs apart and the back straight up, try grasping with either left or right hand the counter foot while the other arm is held vertically up to the air. Do this procedure alternately on both hands and feet for up to 10 or 15 times or as may be desired.
ROWING EXERCISE – Again, just like with the other workouts, the person lies flat on the ground with hands placed on the head’s sides, and not underneath. He stretches out and raises his legs off the floor for just about an inch or two. And, as if in rowing motion, he simultaneously brings the knees and the upper torso together.
STRAIGHT LEG CRUNCHES – This crunch is performed by extending the legs in an upright position, keeping them that way before lying on the stomach and pushing up the upper torso. The back is then curled with hands extended as if to do a push-up, while keeping the knees on the floor. With arms still extended upfront, the person then sits on his calf muscles, keeping the knees in a bent position. The shoulders are then straightened up.
For more great information on ab workout routine, please visit
Source by Wilson Chiam