You should feel pleased that you’ve already got this far! Only one in ten folks enjoy their work and find it stimulating, but vast numbers simply moan about it and take no action. The fact that you’re here means we can guess that you’re giving retraining some thought, so you’ve already stood out from the crowd. The next step is to get busy to find your direction.
Prior to considering specific training programs, find an expert who can help you sort out the right type of training for you. A person who will get an understanding of your personality, and find out what types of work suit you:
* Do you like to be around others at work? Are you better with new people or those you know well? Or are you better with things that you deal with by yourself?
* What do you need from your chosen industry? (Things do change – look at the building trade, or banks for example.)
* Once you’ve trained, how many years work do anticipate working, and can the industry you choose offer you the chance to do that?
* Are you concerned with regard to the chance of finding new employment, and being gainfully employed all the way until retirement?
Pay attention to the IT sector, that’s our best advice – it’s one of the few growth areas in this country and overseas. In addition, salaries and benefits exceed most other industries.
Student support is absolutely essential – look for a package providing 24×7 full access, as not opting for this kind of support could hamper your progress. Don’t accept training courses that only support you via a call-centre messaging service after office-staff have gone home. Companies will defend this with all kinds of excuses. Essentially – support is needed when it’s needed – not at their convenience.
Keep looking and you’ll come across professional companies who offer direct-access support all the time – including evenings, nights and weekends. Always pick a training provider that goes the extra mile. As only true live 24×7 round-the-clock support delivers what is required.
Don’t listen to a salesman who pushes one particular program without a decent chat to better understand your current abilities as well as level of experience. Always check they have access to a wide-enough array of training so they’re actually equipped to give you a program that suits you.. In some circumstances, the starting point of study for a student with some experience is often substantially dissimilar to the student with no experience. Where this will be your initial effort at studying for an IT examination then you may want to cut your teeth on an user-skills course first.
Many trainers supply a practical Job Placement Assistance facility, to help you get your first job. Ultimately it isn’t a complex operation to find your first job – as long as you’ve got the necessary skills and qualifications; the growing UK skills shortage sees to that.
However, don’t leave it until you have qualified before bringing your CV up to date. Right at the beginning of your training, mark down what you’re doing and get promoting! It’s possible that you won’t have even passed your first exam when you’ll secure your initial junior support position; but this won’t be the case unless you’ve posted your CV on job sites. The best services to help you land that job are usually specialist independent regional recruitment consultancies. Because they get paid commission to place you, they have more incentive to get on with it.
Fundamentally, if you put the same amount of effort into securing your first IT position as into training, you’re not going to hit many challenges. Some trainees bizarrely invest a great deal of time on their course materials and do nothing more once qualified and seem to suppose that interviewers know they’re there.
Source by Jason Kendall