Mindfulness and Meditation

[ad_1] WHAT EXACTLY IS MINDFULNESS? Mindfulness is not just a way of thinking about others and their state of mind, but it can also be used a form of meditation. Using Mindfulness Meditation allows you to focus on the moment, becoming aware of your senses and what you are feeling right then and there. When…

Travelling in Spain

[ad_1] Apart from summer, which is the most typical period of the year to go on holiday to Spain, spring is a wonderful time to visit Spain. Temperatures comparable to the ones in summer of Northern Europe, lovely orange blossom smells and lots of terraces to try a first “tinto de verano”, what more do…

Norse God Meditation Magic

[ad_1] First things first. Let me define my terms so that we leave a solid ground for understanding each other. There is a Nordic/Germanic pantheon of Gods and Goddess’s called the “Northern Gods or “Norse Gods.” The major Gods/Goddess’s of the pantheon are Odin, the Alfather, Frigga the Almother, Thor their son; Frey and Freya,…

Gardening As Meditation

[ad_1] As creators of reality most of us have found something in life that helps us feel the essence of ourselves. Something that makes us feel alive and connected, comforted, inspired. When life becomes confusing, uncertain, or fearful, we turn to our meditation, be it music or art or fishing or dancing, to help return…

Core Star Meditation

[ad_1] With due respect to reiki and pranic grand master Mr. Virendra Thakkar, I am presenting a very powerful core self -empowerment technique known as Core Star mediation. Hara alignment Be aware of the Tan-Tien 1 and ½ inch below the belly button on the middle of the body. Feel the power and Heat there.Feel…