The desire to perform a career change is usually created by some work-related discontent. The form or type of discontent may vary but there is something about your work that makes you sad, disgruntled and unhappy. This discontent may take several forms. It could be lack of adequate compensation, no opportunities to learn and grow, uncaring employers, rigid schedules or not enough vacation time. The reasons for discontent at work are many and are unique as the people that change careers every 4 years. In 2008, the Bureau of Labor Statistics suggested that on average an individual will change careers once every 4 years. If you are not happy at work and want to be then you can only do one thing: Change. But what do you change? Choose one or all of these 4 and you can change TODAY to get you happy at work again.
- Change your perspective -if you are deathly afraid of changing careers, this is your best option for a quick fix. Changing your outlook or view of a situation allows you to see a situation through new eyes. Find at least 5 things you enjoy about your current job everyday and when you’re tempted to complain, pull out your list and review them. Guaranteed mood lifter. If however you can’t find 5 things to be happy about, consider the next tip.
- Change your environment– Sometimes all you need is a different scene to feel better. Changing your environment will require changing jobs within the same industry. If the thought of going to work turns your stomach into knots and tightens your jaw, but you really love what you do- change employers. This option is your only way to being happy at work.
- Change your career. If what you do does not excite you or satisfy you at the end of the day, changing your perspective or environment will not help. Changing your career will give you the motivation, satisfaction and peace you deserve. Most career changers follow their passions and over the long run improve their income dramatically. Evaluate your skills, interests, talents and passions and allow them to show you the way. Of course, if you want a successful career change you will benefit from the expert advice of counselors, advisers and other career change experts.
- Change your influence circle. No matter your situation, if you are surrounded by negative people and influences you will not find happiness at work. Jim Rohn states we are an average of the 5 people we are acquainted with. If your immediate circle is not known to be encouraging or motivating you’re more than likely to stay in a job you despise.
Source by Charlene Nora