EFT for Stress Management

EFT for Stress Management [ad_1] Stress Hans Selye coined the word ‘stress’ in 1936, he first defined it as a non-specific response of the body to any demand in change, later changing this to, Stress is the rate of the wear and tear of your body. So how stressed are you? Please take a minute…

Stress and Stress Management

Stress and Stress Management [ad_1] Stress is a psychological term which means an unpleasant state of emotional and physiological arousal that people experience in situations that they perceive as dangerous or threatening to their well-being. The word stress means different things to different people. Some people define stress as events or situations that cause them…

Stress Management For Students

Stress Management For Students [ad_1] Stress has become a part of life because there are many things which act as a catalyst in increasing stress. Not only in adults, but stress is increasingly affecting children as well. Children from all age groups are getting affected by stress. Managing stress becomes pretty difficult as parents don’t…