Comic Book Collecting 101

Comic Book Collecting 101 [ad_1] Collecting comic books is a source of joy for many comic book and graphic novel enthusiasts.  However, many collectors have trouble finding comics that they feel would be worth collecting and don’t really know what to do with them when they do.  There are a number of ways that collectors…

Public Officials: Leader, Rhetoric/Empty Promises, Blame/Complain, Or Common Good?

Public Officials: Leader, Rhetoric/Empty Promises, Blame/Complain, Or Common Good? [ad_1] The United States proudly points to its many freedoms and liberties, provided by, or interpreted, to be, granted, by our Constitution, etc. One of these rights, which often dictates and determines, how effectively, our citizens will be served, is voting. We elect many public officials,…

Communicating Across Generations

Communicating Across Generations [ad_1] Today’s workplace is made up of employees from four generations.  Each generation has their own expectations and preferences when it comes to their work environment.  For many reasons including technology, modifications to organizational structures and working arrangements, communication at work has changed significantly.  The days of using face-to-face communication as the primary mode…