Conversational Hypnosis: Hypnosis Technique in Reality
If you search for conversational hypnosis on the search engines or on video sites you will find a lot of content about rapid inductions, mind control or the comic exploitation of hypnotized subjects. In addition you will also probably discover plenty of information about how you can control people and get them to do anything you want.
Of course the Internet is an immediate medium. If you don’t grab someones attention in the first few seconds their focus goes and they click off the page. For this reason I fully understand why so much of the information about conversational hypnosis is so sensationalistic. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that it is not possible to use conversational hypnosis to genuinely control another persons behavior. Quite simply it is.
However I am concerned that the promotional emphasis of so much of this information about hypnosis gives a misleading set of expectations to those who are interested in studying the hypnosis techniques. This is particularly true when you are talking about conversational hypnosis. Let me explain why.
Most other forms of hypnosis and hypnotic induction are designed to be overt. That is to say the person being hypnotized is fully aware of the process and has actually agreed to participate in the hypnosis. For example the stage hypnotist selects subjects and each and every one of them know what to expect (more or less.) Similarly if someone goes to a hypnotherapist they know that they are going to be hypnotized and, indeed, actually want this to happen. Conversational hypnosis is an entirely different case.
For example, in conversational hypnosis, the whole point is that the person being hypnotized doesn’t know it’s happening. This is both why conversational hypnosis is so powerful and the reason many people are suspicious of it. Often referred to as covert hypnosis, the fact that the person being hypnotized isn’t aware of the process means that they are far more likely to adopt the hypnotists suggestions as their own thoughts. This makes conversational hypnosis an extremely effective hypnotic technique. Therefore it is particularly useful for supporting people to adopt better coping mechanisms that help them to address problematic behavior. This is why conversational hypnosis, in the guise of Ericksonian Hypnosis, is the favored method for many successful hypnotherapists.
One of the other great advantages of of conversational hypnosis I that you can use it anywhere. For example, because you can use it as part of apparently normal conversation, you can use it in a bar or at work or in any social situation where you interact with others. Therefore, another important element of conversational hypnosis is that others don’t notice it. If you choose to use conversational hypnosis as part o your seduction technique the last thing you need is to start acting like some sort of stage hypnotist with obvious signs that you are attempting to hypnotize someone. Of course watching a video of two people having a chat, getting on well and then parting amicably is hardly riveting stuff and would command absolutely no attention on the internet at all.
This is why so much of the information you find online regarding conversational hypnosis is so misleading in my opinion. For example if you look for conversational hypnosis videos you will find absolutely hundreds, if not thousand, of hypnotists of varying levels of competency demonstrating overt not covert hypnotic techniques. For instance, I’ve seen people using the arm-pull induction saying it is part of good conversational hypnosis technique. It isn’t. If you are talking to someone in a bar and then grab their arm and quickly pull it, both they and others will notice. Similarly you see people who claim to be conversational hypnotists using deep trance where the subject appears to be in a catatonic state. Again this I not conversational hypnosis. I am not saying for one moment that these in individuals are not skilled hypnotists or even highly successful conversational hypnotists. I am simply suggesting that these kind of overt hypnosis techniques are not examples of conversational hypnosis.
Furthermore many of the online courses make exaggerated claims in their promotional literature and online promotions. Again, from a business perspective I can fully understand this, however it sometimes doesn’t reflect the operational reality of conversational hypnosis. So what can you really expect to achieve?
If you study the skill of conversational hypnosis for many years and master NLP and hypnotic language, develop a broad understanding of psychology and sociology, practice your technique endlessly and posses a certain amount of natural ability, you could become one of the few really powerful conversational hypnotists. These people can walk into any situation and, within a brief conversation, radically effect the behavior and thought processes of the person they are hypnotizing. What’s more that person will be entirely unaware that they have done so.
However very few of us actually have either the time or the commitment to achieve this level of competency. Conversational hypnosis is like any other skill. Any one can learn the basics but few truly excel. For example millions of people play golf but only a small handful will play at the masters.
The reality of learning conversational hypnosis is that it can really give you and incredible amount of control in social situations. You can make the most of opportunities by guiding the people you are talking to towards any conclusion you chose. You learn how to make people like and respect you in matter of moments, you can discover the hypnotic pattern that enable you to implant suggestions in peoples subconscious or unconscious mind. All this is possible and within the reach of most of us. It’s a wonderfully empowering and confidence building skill to learn.
What you can’t expect however is to be instantly successful. It takes time, effort and a considerable amount of practice to reach a reasonable level of competency. When you have developed a good technique you can use it to sway peoples thoughts and opinions. For example, used as part of your seduction technique, you can be confident that anyone you hypnotize will both like and respect you and will want to see you again or give you their number, if you suggest it. What you won’t be able to achieve is to make them immediately fall in love with you. Similarly if you walk into a business meeting you can use your skill to give yourself a massive negotiation advantage but you can’t expect the other person to simple agree to any ridiculously unfair deal you dictate.
Conversational hypnosis is a skill that most of us can learn to give ourselves better opportunities. It is not a magic formula that enables us to literally brainwash other people and it is slightly disingenuous to suggest that is the case.
Source by Ian R Davis