High Stress Symptoms – Know its Causes, Effects and Remedies
In this modern and busy world stress plays a major role. High stress can create good amount of problems for some people and for some others it can take them to death. In this world there will not be a single person who has not gone through this disorder. High stress sometimes act as a motivator causing a person to go upto the mark of expectation where as for some it takes to the state of failure where he\she will not be able to handle the situation and will end up in causing life threatening diseases and there by taking them to death.
High stress basically depends upon the mind of person and the way they handle any situation. For instance if some one to whom we are emotionally attached is affected by some serious illness or in case of their death, the person who is suffering from this disorder will experience a very bad time. He\she will not be able to go through this situation which results in high stress symptoms. If such a condition goes unnoticed it will end up in serious health problems. Some other cases where high stress occurs are financial crisis, losing a very good job opportunity, broken relationships or even due to depression. During this period, the effects of high stress symptoms will affect his mind very badly thereby creating mental, physical and emotional changes.
The high stress symptoms if not controlled will lead a person to lead a precarious life. It will cause fatal conditions like heart attacks, increase in blood pressure, stroke, ulcers etc. Apart from these diseases if a person with such a disorder is not taken care properly he\she will reach a stage where they will lose their minds and might end up in deciding too take their own lives.
The main remedial measure or cure that we can give for high stress symptom is care, understanding and love. For that the main thing we have to do is to find out early about this disorder and help them to adjust to any situations that come in the way. For this the support of family, friends or the well wishers of the sufferer is very important. Talking is a good way of reducing high stress symptoms. If the sufferer is given an opportunity to speak up what is in their mind that bothers them it can be a great help to reduce their high stress for sometime. This will not solve the problem fully but it will reduce the pressure within them. Giving them a way to share their problem or taking some burden from them can help a sufferer in reducing the high stress symptoms. If high stress symptoms are too large then the sufferer should also be given necessary psychological help. These possible cures if provided to those suffering from high stress symptoms will save a life.
Source by Abhishek Agarwal