How To Handle Stress – Stress Management Right and Wrong Strategies!
Stress manifests in many ways in several situations, influenced by age, education, family upbringing, friends, spouse, environment and all the relationships that one has in the society. For example, a young boy or girl lacking the parents their stress level is unbelievably high and explosive. With the support of live parents the stress level is moderate for the boy or the girl. Another example is a college going student living in a hostel funding his own education. At the beginning of every semester his worries reach a crescendo till he finds a donor to pay for his hostel and educational expenses. This occurs all over the world.
Stress levels although huge and frightful at times, this young student has the stamina and faith in himself to tide over the highly stressful situation. He is handling the stress the right way, meaning he is always thinking to tackle the stress by taking action in a constructive right way. Hidden stress causes, head aches, tintinnus, teeth grinding in sleep. To alleviate this hidden stress increase the intake of Vitamin C containing fruits or juices, drink Dark Tea that contains stress fighting flavinoids, eat pistachios to reduce the blood pressure caused by stress. To beat the stress eat strawberries, and sardines the doctors order.
Reacting to stress the wrong way by smoking, chewing tobacco, drinking alcohol and using drugs unfortunately takes this person in a downward spiral to sickness and irrecoverable disease. This is likely to happen, for this person is already predisposed to impulsive action due to family separation, divorce, loss of job or any other causes and not to blame him entirely, his genes may be a part too. Moderation in any kind of activity, especially acting before thinking should be avoided to have peaceful stress free living!
Source by Srinivasa Govindarajan