Are you looking for the best way to jump higher for cheerleading? There are numerous programs and tricks to help you gain more height while jumping, it’s what you do with them that will make or break you. Find or set yourself up with a program and give it time to work. If you don’t make any gains in say a month, try something different.
Test how high you can jump first thing. Find a wall that has enough room to do jumps next too. Stand sideways to the wall with a crayon or maker in the hand closest to the wall. Jump as high as you can and mark the wall while reaching your arm as far as you can.
You can do this 3 times to get an average height. Check your progress every couple weeks to see if you are jumping higher. If your jumps are becoming shorter, don’t exercise for a couple days before testing so your legs are rested.
As far as the best exercise to use, the squat is it. If you have images of big power lifters with huge weights, this will not be you. You can start off doing squats with only your body weight. Three sets of 10 to 15 repetitions each would be a good start. As you get stronger do more reps in your third set up to 20.
You can hold some dumb bells in your hands for extra weight, if you have access to a barbell, this would be the best if you are trying for heavier weights.
While doing squats stand with your feet shoulder width apart. As you lower yourself try to go low enough so your thighs are parallel to the floor. Don’t let your knees move forward of your toes and shift more of your weight back on your heels. Keep your back straight and look straight ahead.