Microsoft Office 2007 – How to Turn Off Automatic Spell Checking and Automatic Grammar Checking
Sometimes you really don’t want your programs telling you (in they’re own little way) “hey you misspelled that” or “that’s not the proper way to say that.” Remember, computers are only as smart as the info given them. Sometimes, it’s as simple as three possible options could be correct and it doesn’t know which one YOU want, so the program marks it to get your attention. Now if you’re using a word or a phrase that the system doesn’t recognize as correct, it will give you that little red squiggly underline letting you know something is wrong/should be checked. For example, the program is telling me that AutoCorrection is misspelled, but this is the name for the action. So, HOW do you get the various programs to stop doing that? Well the following are the steps for Word, Outlook and PowerPoint for turning off the automatic spell and grammar checking. Word 2007
1. In the upper left corner, click the Microsoft Office Button, and then Word Options.
2. Go to Proofing.
3. Unselect the Check spelling as you type check box.
4. Same with the Check grammar as you type check box.
IMPORTANT: The Check spelling as you type and Check grammar as you type settings will affect your open documents in Word 2007. If other people use the documents, you may want to notify them that you made this change. No sense in making others wonder where the auto correction options went – they may count on that part of the program! Outlook 2007
1. On the Tools menu, click Options.
2. Go to the Spelling tab, and click Spelling and AutoCorrection.
3. Deselect the Check spelling as you type check box.
4. Then deselect the Check grammar as you type check box.
PowerPoint 2007
1. As in Word, go to the Microsoft Office Button, and then PowerPoint Options.
2. Go to Proofing.
3. Deselect the Hide spelling errors check box.
4. Deselect the Check spelling as you type check box.
Of course, if you decide you miss those little hints as you type, then just go back and re-set them. It’s amazing what one can get used to and miss when it’s gone. To find more hints like this, you can get them on my website to find my Tidbits of Help, and more about how I can be of service to you.
Research compiled and written by Liz LaClair, President of Virtually Helps, LLC.
Source by Liz LaClair