Monthly Budget Spreadsheet: A Must for Those Who Face Cash Crisis During Month’s End
It is often found that one is cash strapped during month’s end due to poor financial management. Whether it is at home or at office, sitting down and jotting down a monthly budget is far more effective way rather than just preparing an annual or quarterly budget plan. Moreover with effective monthly budget spreadsheet one can successfully plan their annual budget as well.
A monthly budget spreadsheet is however different for home and office. The one that are required at offices have different income categories such as registration fees, exhibition fees, corporate sponsorships, individual event sponsorships while the expenses are categorised as variable expense and fixed expense. Spreadsheets for home purpose have lesser categories.
However, both these spreadsheets whether for home or office, are simple and one just has to enter the name and amount under each category and the rest is taken care by the sheet from automatically totaling the individual categories to entire totaling. There are no chances of committing any mistake as most of these spreadsheets come up with protected formulas that cannot be tampered by the user. These spreadsheets are so simple that someone who is far less conversant with MS Excel can conveniently use them and avoid those sleepless nights for preparing budget sheets in excel.
Monthly spreadsheets are even more important as they help one identify and analyse the heads that are eating up maximum portion of the expenses and help in planning and saving on the budget for consequent months. At home such a saving is important to take care of any unforeseen events in one’s life. At office such spreadsheets will help in preparing advance monthly budget and thereby allowing the company to invest more. So get these spreadsheets and effectively manage your finances on a monthly basis.
Source by Stanley Hardin