Performance Appraisal Process
Content of Job performance appraisal process was carried out in three steps:
1. Define the job/task/responsibilities
Define the job that is the unity between the personnel dept/line managers and staff to:
– What companies expect staff to carry out?
– The model standard, which will be based on evaluating job performance of employees.
2. Job assessment of the work means to compare the job performance of the employees with standard form. In this step, it can use various different methods to evaluate the job performance such as:
Methods are often used:
-Reviews by the table and graph: (This method is simple and most common to evaluate job)
-Rated rotation.
-Paired comparison
-Stored critical method.
-Narrative form method
-Coordinate method (This method combines the advantages of the narrative form method and the reviews by score method)
The other method
– Method of Graphical scale
-Method of recording important events
-Management by objectives
3. Provide feedback:
This can be done once when job evaluation finish or could do the job several times during the process of evaluating the job performance of employees; this depends on the nature and characteristics of the job.
The work is diverse and complex. Assessing the implementation of the work of production workers those who work in labor norms is simple, can be based directly on the degree of completion of the workers. Assessing the job of the work of other employees are very complex, hardly accurate and often use the necessary methods.
Based on this article, you can set up a procedure for your company/dept.