Public Officials: Leader, Rhetoric/Empty Promises, Blame/Complain, Or Common Good?
The United States proudly points to its many freedoms and liberties, provided by, or interpreted, to be, granted, by our Constitution, etc. One of these rights, which often dictates and determines, how effectively, our citizens will be served, is voting. We elect many public officials, yet, despite the right, we enjoy, which many others, do not, in most elections, less than half of those, eligible, to vote, actually do. Whether it is due to apathy, belief it doesn’t matter, etc, it is important to realize and recognize, all potential public/ elected officials, are not created equal! In most cases, these individuals fall into four basic categories: true leader; rhetoric/ empty promises; blame/ complain; or seeking common ground, for the public – good! With that in mind, this article will attempt to review, consider, and discuss, the differences, and why we should pay far more attention.
1. True leader: Rarely, are our elected officials, true leaders! We could count, probably, on, one – hand, how many we’ve elected, in recent memory. Most voters ignore the necessities and needs, but, often, vote for candidates, who tell them, what they want to hear! If only, we would listen to the wise words, in the song, by, The Who, I won’t be fooled, again, we would all benefit! Today, more than ever, in recent memory, when Americans seem more divided, than in many generations, a true leader, rather than one, who merely blames, and complains, is needed, and necessary! Empty promises, vitriol, and rhetoric, as we witness, from President Trump, may attract his core supporters, but does not serve most others, in a relevant, sustainable manner!
2. Rhetoric/ empty promises: Because it’s worked in the past, far too many politicians, base their campaigns, on popular rhetoric, and making empty promises. Although that may not be helpful, in the longer – run, when these individuals, merely focus on their personal/ political agenda, and self – interest, rather than transforming to statesmen, once elected, America suffers!
3. Blame/ complain: We have rarely, if ever, witnessed, in recent memory, any public official, who articulates a message of blaming and complaining, rather than seeking viable solutions, as President Donald Trump! While it may appeal to his supporters, it does not bring us together!
4. Common ground: We need public officials, who look for, and focus, on achieving, common ground, for the benefit of most of us, rather than polarizing citizens, with their rhetoric, and vitriol!
America deserves better leadership, and, in order to receive this, voters must pay more attention, and focus on relevant, sustainable issues, rather than merely, populist ones! Wake up, America, or risk, losing those freedoms and liberties, which makes us unique, and great!
Source by Richard Brody