If you want to add a challenge and a change of pace to your workout regime, start with the total body workout with Ana Caban. This total body Pilate’s workout is loaded with information and a Gaiam metal ring and claims to help you achieve the body of your dreams. Just how effective is this workout? This article will look at what some consumers have said about the total body workout by Ana Caban and see what they had to say.
I am a big fan of Pilates, which is the form of exercise that develops balance in the body and improves strength and flexibility. Years ago, when I wanted to start a workout regime I found Pilates easy yet effective. Therefore, when I heard about this video and Ana Cabans’ credentials as a Pilate’s instructor I was compelled to try it but thought I needed further investigation before my purchase.
Advertising claims:
The ad for the Pilates total body workout claim that you will achieve more energy, look and feel better, and all while getting a great workout that will tone your entire body by using the DVD and metal ring in the Pilates Total body workout package. Those claims sound good but listen at what others had to say about this product.
Customer Reviews:
• One customer stated that this video was a little slower paced than expected, also the ring looks like a cheaper version of the one advertised on the box.
• One customer stated that this video is a nice way to wind down at the end of the day but the ring is a bit flimsy.
• One customer that they loved they loved the fact that Ana Caban gave great instruction throughout the video.
• One customer stated that the ring did not offer enough resistance.
• One customer stated that even though they thought the stretching part of the video was good, the repetitions in the exercises were just not enough to get a good workout when it came to the lower body workout part. However, this customer did like the metal ring (although they felt it was not the same as on the box) but did not care for the upper and lower body workout.
My advice, stay away from this product. In fact, I got a workout from just reading all of the negative comments. The toning and full body workout may be okay for beginners, but those who really want to tone and sculpt their bodies, buyer beware! The only good thing I found from reading the reviews is that they do apologize for those who are not satisfied with this product and guarantee their product by offering a full refund or opportunity to return.
Source by Lisa Grier