Time Management
Time is surely an investment. Unfortunately this important fact of life is being misconstrue as the panegyrics that should be sang to a fulfilled grand fathers and grand mothers. Our “Time” should and must be audited from time to time if we are to make a significant impact in this transitory life. It is quite disheartening to see our society falling into a state of abysmal decadence whereby failure is gradually becoming an established next door neighbor yet we embrace this menace as our norms and values.
What people have failed to understand is the fact that there is a need for us to maximize our God given potentials whilst on earth. He(God)has endowed us with a lot of innumerable blessings to the extent that we can not afford to give any reason for failure whilst we are here on a divine assignment. Sadly some would rather prefer to engage themselves in a whole lot of mundane and frivolous activities that will further plunge them into perpetual penury and slavery only because they are short sighted.
Our life span is very short irrespective of the context to which it is being interpreted. However, whether long or short we will surely give an account of it to our creator someday. If our time is not properly audited, sooner or later you will realize that your entire life is almost a complete waste just in doing things you have little or no control over. For every free time you have, pick up your book and read. Great leaders are great readers. The greatest fraud in my handbook of wisdom is the fraud of time. There should be no room for failure as long as our time is being properly managed.
At a point in my life, I was being treated as an outcast by some of my loved ones only because I was in the wilderness of challenges. They instituted a campaign of calumny against me with the express desire to smear my rising profile that they knew little or nothing about. But one thing I refused to settle for in those trying time was for me to give in to failure knowing fully well that I can be whatever I choose to become in life. I was chastised and neglected but that did not change my course of destiny.
I passionately pursued my course to greatness through determination and by constantly reminding myself of the time frame and to the glory of God the rest is history. Few months ago, I came in contact with some of them again having being away from them for couple of years, surprisingly,one of them was still acting up, all I did was to laugh and ignore her because she obviously does not get the fact that am a child of promise and that I surely can not be a push over. The moment you admit that you are a failure that is the very moment the man in you will die. What people think about you is insignificant to your future but what you make of it.
I knew it from the onset that I will be a great person in life and I really do not need any prophet to say Amen to this because am also a prophet. Even devil can attest to the fact that success is my birth right. Meanwhile, I was also aware of the fact that it wont be an easy path to tread upon. Just do the right thing and you will surely be on your way to greatness but above all things do not forget to partner with your heavenly creator because he is the giver of all things. It will be gratifying for me to die in my place of work than to die whilst wasting Ten years of my life in the front of a standing mirror all in the name of admiring myself. To all, take charge of your time and you will surely be in charge of your destiny.