Dining out may be very expensive and is not good for your health. If you are on budget or want to eat healthy, cook yourself rather than eating out. You have the control on quality as well as quantity of various ingredients that you use. Recipes low in fat/ calories/ sugar/ carbohydrates must be chosen.
Taste of home recipes is certainly far better than what you eat at restaurants more because of the fact that you are eating healthy and hygienically. Dieters use Fruit & Vegetable Diets to escape trans fats and cholesterol. Various healthy breakfast recipes are available on various websites like ‘allrecipes.com’ and ‘epicurious.com’. Heart Healthy Diet Recipes may be found on websites. You can make healthy breakfast recipes in reasonable time and they are delicious also. Healthy Snacks Recipes like spreading Neufchatel cheese on whole wheat based tortilla and adding sprouts, carrots etc. Healthy smoothie recipes include ice, fresh/ frozen strawberries/ banana/ kiwi/ mango and water. There are many recipes that claim to be healthy but important is to determine that which one is really healthy.
Easy home cooking tips can control your budget and your waistline. Preparing meal for family must include taste of home recipes and healthy dishes. Fresh vegetable smoothies can be made. Wraps are better alternative to sandwiches and are easy to make.
Visit EatingWell.com to know nutrition facts of recipes that are easily searchable. BellyBytes.com, HealthRecipes.com is other good sites for delicious and healthy smoothies/ rice and egg dishes etc. Interactive planner sites (menu) helps planning breakfast/ lunch/ dinner as well as snacks.
Source by Desmond Ch’ng