Joining a gym can be a very intimidating task. Between the actual cost per month and the feeling of self consciousness, many neglect to join even though they really want to. Some gyms may offer trainers to assist in planning your workout, but this can be another cost that may drive you from joining a gym.
A lot of people will set up a home exercise gym ranging from simple and cheap to elaborate and expensive. But what it ultimately comes down to is how much you are willing to work. You could have the most expensive home gym machines on the market and not use them while have a few inexpensive pieces of equipment that you use regularly can help get you in shape.
One of best and most versatile pieces of gym equipment are resistance bands. Wherever you are, you can give yourself a wonderful workout. At home, you can attach it to a door and work nearly every muscle in your body to help get toned and fit.
While on the road (for business or pleasure) be sure to remember your resistance band. When out of town it is hard to know exactly when you are going to have the time or equipment to get a good workout. Avoid that stress and keep a small, lightweight resistance band in your carry on.
This piece of home exercise gym equipment also always comes with when jogging in the park. Once your body is warmed up, throw your handy resistance band around a tree and you are good to go for a great workout in the fresh air.
While this isn’t a cure all product, it is a great home exercise gym item to purchase for a wide range of exercises. If you feel like the exercises are too easy or too hard, you should consider purchasing a resistance band with a different level of elasticity to cater to your specific needs. It is a great start to building up an arsenal of different fitness equipment.
Source by William M. Douglas