“I Want To Lose Weight But Can’t Get Started”
Have you found yourself flipping through the channels on your TV getting frustrated by all the infomercials that you see? The ones that promise to make you look like a movie star or professional athlete for just “4 easy payments” of hard earned money? I have.
The reality is that most of us really do feel the need to get in shape, be more active, or even lose a few pounds. That’s pretty natural. The problem comes in the 2nd half of that reality equation: 1) Which exercise program is the best one? and 2) How can I afford all those “easy payments”?
This is a situation that has been going on for the last few decades. The combination of more fast foods and less physical activity because of all the new technology has caused a collective increase in the waist sizes of many people. For many adults, a days work turns out to be sitting in the car, sitting at work, sitting at lunch, sitting in the car, sitting at the dinner table, sitting in front of the TV, and then it’s off to bed. Is there something wrong with this picture?
But, unfortunately, many working people either don’t have time to go to the gym or can’t afford it (or any high priced exercise program/equipment).
There Is Too Much Confusion About Weight Loss And Exercise
The reason why this sort of situation exists is because there has been too much confusion over how a person can actually lose weight. Nowadays, people think that they have to have a gym membership in order to do an aerobic or strengthening exercise routine.
Or, if you can’t join a gym you have to buy this piece of exercise equipment from that late night auction channel. And, if you do it, you’ll really target those love handles so you can get the body you really want. It’s kind of hard to sort through all these commercials when there is a different one on each channel every half hour.
Most people would be amazed if they realized that they can improve their ability to burn fat by working on 2-3 exercises consistently over time. This can be done without having to go out and get any exercise equipment too. Wouldn’t it be great if doing a couple of exercises 3 times a week or so would really do the trick?
A Primary Way Your Body Burns Fat And Calories
Your body burns calories with every process that it does. Thinking burns calories. Breathing burns calories. Watching TV burns calories. However, your muscles are responsible for burning the most fat and calories in your body. Your muscles require more energy to do their job than any other organ system in the body. From the tiniest muscles in the ear to the biggest muscles in your legs, hips and back. When your muscles work, you burn calories.
This simplifies the concept of losing weight. Think about this: If you want to burn calories, you need to get the muscles moving. If you want to burn a whole lot of calories, you simply have to get the bigger muscles moving. As pointed out above, the bigger muscles are in the legs, hips and back.
3 Exercises You Can Do To Help Lose Weight
Squats – Squats are a great total lower body exercise. These exercises work the total thigh, hips, and low back. To do them correctly, pull your dining table chair to the middle of the room and stand in front of it. With your hands out in front of you, lower your back side down as if to sit on the chair. Lightly tap the chair with your rear end and return to standing. Congratulations. You have just done a squat.
Lunges – Lunges are similar to the squat but are more dynamic and involve the core muscles as well stabilization muscles of the lower leg. The lunge is done by supporting the weight of the body on the front leg, letting it bend while simultaneously lowering the rear knee down to floor. These can be done while walking forward, or, for a greater challenge, do the reverse lunge. This is where from the standing position, you place one leg behind you and drop that knee to the floor. Then return to standing and alternate legs.
Bent Single Arm Row – This exercise will target the big muscles of the back. This can be done with resistance bands, kettlebells, dumbbells, or anything else that is easy to hold in your hand. To do this exercise correctly, stagger your feet in standing and bend at the waist. Use one hand for support either on your front thigh, or another object. Holding the weight in the opposite hand, let your arm stretch out toward the floor. Gently and deliberately draw the elbow of the extended arm backward. The movement is finished when the weight touches the side of your chest. Slowly lower your arm to starting point.
These are 3 simple exercises that everybody should know about if they are trying to lose weight.